It's been ages since I've spent any serious time in the kitchen. Have been feeling the lack of comfort food so I dedicated the morning to remedying that! I made (gluten free):
Raisin bread
Lemon muffins
Oatmeal and banana muffins
Peppermint chocolate brownie
Louise cake
Farmhouse fruit cake
There are a couple of not yet published recipes in here but I thought that I would give you one new one to try - this one's for two of my friends Bev and Paul.
Bev, who took me to an amazing cafe while I was in Auckland that made wonderful gluten free toasted bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and we shared a piece of Louise Cake there.
Paul, because Louise Cake is his favourite and I've been thinking about making this recipe for him for a while.
Now my freezer is full (it's only little) and my cake tins are full so I'm set for a bit - well, until Jenna comes to visit!
July 27, 2011