All My Blog Posts

I write about all sorts of yummy things I create in the kitchen as well as my little projects, interior design, family, travel and the things I tinker with. I love to get comments on my blog. I'd love to hear from you. Sign up to get updates in your Inbox. I don't post every day so you won't be flooded with emails. Enjoy!


How to Upholster Dining Chairs with Piping

Do you ever have those times where one event cascades into a long list of things to do? That’s what happened to me recently.

February 18, 2024


Four Types of Bread

Have you ever tried making your own bread? I know that over the last few years it seems that everyone was doing it.

June 16, 2023


Delectable Dinner Ideas

You know that I love to have lots of people in my home and I love to host. Dinner parties have always been one of my favourite events to host because there is delicious food involved.

June 3, 2023


I Ordered Something Big!

A few months ago, I ordered something big! It arrived in six large boxes.

April 21, 2023


5 Ways to Redecorate If You Live in a Rental

We were renters for many years, and I know how challenging it can be, especially if you’re a serial DIYer like me.

April 13, 2023


12 Easy Easter Recipes to Feed an Army

What are you doing for Easter? I’ve got my family coming for a family dinner, but there’s not much else going on except hopefully some clean-up in the garden.

April 6, 2023


Corn Fritter Recipe

Corn fritters are one of my most favourite foods! They are super quick to make and so delicious.

March 15, 2023


Do You Need Garden Design Assistance

We’ve done a hole heap of changes in the garden since we moved into our property 51/2 years ago, but one thing I always struggle with is design.

February 14, 2023